Surround Yourself with Support

Find hope and help for addiction recovery.

Is Supported & Safe right for you?

Supported & Safe is a weekly group to help you stop using drugs. The group is led by a social worker. The group helps people who use drugs like cocaine, meth, Adderall or Ritalin. Some people join to help someone in their family. Group members can help each other recover.

To join the group, you need to:

  • Be older than 18
  • Live in Marshall County, Indiana

What to expect

Your Supported & Safe group will meet once a week for twelve weeks. Meetings will be held at a place in Marshall County that is comfortable and easy to get to. At the meetings, the group will talk about the brain science behind addiction, how trauma affects addiction and how to work through addiction triggers. You will also learn about ways to deal with triggers, like journaling.

By attending Supported & Safe meetings you can earn gift cards: $20 after attending the first meeting, $10 in the middle and another $20 at the end. You will also get to know a social worker who can help you find resources in the community for addiction recovery and give you things to take home to help you stay on track with recovery.

Your privacy guaranteed

Group meetings are a safe place. We promise not to tell other people things about you. Everyone in the group will keep the same promise. All the people in the group have to follow the rules. The group will make the rules together. People in the group will not talk about what they hear at the group meetings. If a person breaks the rules, they can’t be in the group.

If you could use the services this group provides but are not comfortable in a group setting, please reach out to us. It may be possible to do the program one-on-one with a social worker.

Take a step toward recovery

Want to learn more? Fill out the form below. Someone will call or email you about joining Supported & Safe.

Have a question? Ask our social worker. Her name is Rachel Jhala. Send your question in an email to

Step Toward Recovery Contact

Preferred Contact Method

This website is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $500,000 with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit